Thursday 31 October 2019

You hear, but do you listen?

Admittedly every once in a while we can be hearing what someone's saying but actually not really taking it to heart, for various reasons; stress or tiredness which can come from stress, ego or to use a better word pride, when you think you already know.

'A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only expressing his opinion.'  Proverbs 18:2

Often because you've closed your heart from listening, maybe you're afraid of what you'll hear or what you'll hear isn't what you thought, sometimes the fear of the unknown is scary and admitting that isn't a bad thing, we're all human and things will come along that will be hard but God is truth, God is the answer, God will help you.

'The lord will fight for you, you need only be still.' Exodus 14:14

This can happen to many people not just you, but your partner, your children, your parents, everyone around you. Expectations are a dangerous thing, especially expecting something of someone, expecting them to be listening to what you're saying, they might be responding, but are they taking it in what you're saying to them? Are they taking in what God is really saying?
Praying to God is the first initial step, God will answer, God works in many ways to try and get through to people; he's already there knocking, waiting for you to open and listen to what he has to say.

'Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you.'  Jeremiah 29:12

Listening is one of the easiest things to do but it's also the hardest.  It requires effort, discipline, an open heart, and clear intention all in the will of God.  It's shown in acts of love and patience.  It's a ministry, listening to someone's hurts, making eye-contact, taking in their words, knowing God is there in that moment guiding you.

'The eyes of the lord are towards the righteous and his ears towards their cry.'  Psalm 34:15

Have you heard God talking to you and if so did you listen?  God can speak to us in many ways, the closer we get to him the more we start to recognise what he's saying, he only wants the best for us, God knows what's better for you more than you or anyone else and if God has told you something in whatever way he's spoke, and you know 100% it's God and not just you or someone influencing you; if your spirit, heart and mind are clear follow God's lead, show that you've listened and help others to see that too.

'Do not quench the Spirit.'  1 Thessalonians 5:19

It can easily become a 'head in the hands' scenario where you want to listen but for some reason you just don't have the ability to let go at that particular time.
Various times in the bible it says "he who has ears, let him hear."
To hear is to listen, to listen you must open your heart and mind to God and allow him to move.

Thursday 24 October 2019

When I'm weary I know you are near me!

Ever been so tired or just completely drained you don't feel like talking or doing anything at all?  There are times in life when we do just need rest; finding some peace of mind and solitude.  The hectic day-to-day routines can become like an endless whirlwind even to those who enjoy and value what they do, that doesn't stop their energy running from a high to low as the day progresses.  When people say they're tired that can mean one of three ways; the first which many feel is mentally tired, now some would believe that being physically tired would come first but if you think about it... exactly!  The mind is constantly thinking, it never stops; thoughts flow from one to the other and quite often on a loop; ideas come, stresses come, dreams come, basically there's so much going on inside your mind, so much information and memories gathered that there will always be something playing on your mind, playing with your emotions.

'Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.'  Romans 12:2

Then comes the second which is physical tiredness, workers with strenuous jobs will know the hassle and strain of this, it does build to a point where you're overloaded and from that builds stress and tiredness, your whole body just wants to fall flat onto a bed or sofa, literally anything would suffice as the day nears its end.

'I can do all things through him who strengthens me.'  Philippians 4:13

And last but certainly not least there's the spiritual tiredness and this can manifest within both but also remain separate.  Being spiritually tired can be because a number of reasons, there could be attacks coming at you left, right and centre which is really taking it out of you, you could be feeling anxiety or depression and haven't let go of certain things in your past that are hurting you, and there's this gnaw inside, this voice telling you to speak it, to set it free but you haven't!  You may be feeling lost, but you don't have to worry about losing your way because there is an answer to everything listed above and that is Jesus.

'Looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.'  Hebrews 12:2

What is your relationship like with Jesus?  Do you question him a lot?  Of course, yes would be the correct response, we all have questioned God because we either want to speed something up, slow something down, we think we know better, but we don't!

'You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions.'   James 4:3

Do you get frustrated if prayers aren't answered?  God isn't a fairy, he's not going to grant your every wish! 1 John 5:14 says, 'And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us.'  According to his will, sometimes what you ask is about what you want, it's not always what you need, only God knows what you need, only God knows the direction of your life.  So when things get overwhelming, when you feel weary and tired, fix your eyes on Jesus, don't look to the things of the earth as it's so easy to become distracted even by any form of tiredness that comes upon you, pray and seek God and he will make the ways straight for you, he is with you through it all, peace will be upon you.

Do you remember reading John 21, where Jesus said to Peter not once, not twice, but three times, 'Do you love me?'  How did that make you feel?  Did it resonate with you?  Were you hurt like Peter or more confused, or maybe deep in thought?  He was asking many things within that one question.
Knowing God and knowing him are two completely different things, if you understand the meaning; you can know God through reading his word, gaining knowledge and wisdom, you can go to church and worship knowing all of the bible through and through but that isn't what God wants from you... do you know God?  Do you have a relationship with him?  This is the level of knowing, loving and trusting God where he wants you to be.  Do you hear him when he talks to you or more accurately, do you listen?  Sometimes it's not even a voice, God can speak into situations, he can use your emotions, he can use your special gifts, he can reveal himself to us in many ways if we open our eyes, believe and see him, trust in him.  Don't just know him, but actually start to know him.

When I'm weary, I know you are near me, and I can hear you Lord when you say, 'I promise you, I'm always there, I love you beyond compare.'

Wednesday 16 October 2019

Knock, knock

Hope is vulnerable, faith is fragile, either can easily tip off balance if not handled correctly.  Expectations often set us up for disappointments; we plan out something in our heads, how we see something unfolding, and when it plays out in a different way we're thrown off a little.  Roadblocks, barriers and walls, these are just terms we use to say that there is something blocking you from the destination you need to be, there's something blocking you from the truth, these could be past traumas, things that you still haven't let go of, depression, addiction, mental conditioning the way you're thinking, there are various weaknesses we have.  We have to remember our strength is found in God, not man, not ourselves!

'Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you.'  Matthew 7:7

You feel alone in your own bubble.  You feel like you're lost and no one cares, no one knows or understands because you've become isolated, it's like you're in the middle of the ocean fighting, reaching, struggling to swim, trying not to drown.  You're hoping someone will just see you and then you dont have to say it, you won't have to go through it alone.
God sees you, God knows everything about you and he was there all the time.  Sometimes we need that pain, the fight in us to get us to where we need to be with God, and he won't leave us in those troubled waters alone or for a long period of time.  On the other side of the trials could be something God will use one day either for you to help your roots grow or for someone else whose going through their own struggles rather like yours.

'No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our LORD.' Romans 8:37-39

There is power in sharing your emotions, and it's okay to be vulnerable, we have a loving and understanding God.  We can be open and honest about anything, it doesn't matter that he already knows, he wants you to talk to him so that you grow and build a relationship with him.  Build that foundation and watch it grow into something powerful.

'Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all anxieties on him, because he cares for you.'  1 Peter 5:6-7

Take a step of faith.

'And the Lord said, 'If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, be uprooted and planted in the sea, and it would obey you.'  Luke 17:6

The past doesn't define you, you can start over, Christ died on the cross saving us from our sins, you are made new, confess to God, share all your cares and worries with him, be ready to serve him.  The past can strengthen you, learn from it.  Allow God to build you, mould you, use you and fill you with the Holy Spirit to be a mighty warrior for him, trust and hope and have faith again.

Your story won't end in failure, not when God is by your side.  We have victory in Jesus name!

You hear, but do you listen?

Admittedly every once in a while we can be hearing what someone's saying but actually not really taking it to heart, for various reason...